Course Providers

How it works

Here's an overview of the process: (click each circle for more information)

1. Application Details
2. Assessment details
3. Checking details
4. Payment details

1. Application

The applicant applies to SixStar for a scholarship.

The applicant also applies to the course separately to the SixStar scholarship by following your standard enrolment process.

2. Assessment

The scholarship application is reviewed by the SixStar Selection Committee. We consider each person's ability and employment history, plus the relevance of their chosen course and its national qualification status.

3. Checking

Before fees are paid for successful scholarships, SixStar will email you as the course provider to check all relevant details are correct. These include the applicant's course name, start date and fees. We will also ask you to provide us with your payment instructions.

4. Payment

SixStar pays fees for successful applicants directly to you. If the course runs for more than one year, fees will be paid annually. During the course we will also ask you (and the applicant) for details on the outcome of the applicant's course.

SixStar will contact you on a monthly basis to assess the student's progress.